Aslan Kurtaran, MBA
Aslan Kurtaran studied economics in the United States and worked for an international humanitarian organisation as financial manager for several years. He gained extensive international experiences in the course of numerous stays abroad. Thereafter, he worked as Controller and Financial Analyst for an US-based Database Software Company in Vienna. In 2002, he founded Expat Consulting Real Estate & Relocation Services GmbH which continues to operate under his management. In 2004, he acquired the real estate brokerage license and with his company he has established himself as a successful real estate firm. Since 2011, he has also worked as a project developer and has built a number of real estate projects in the high-end segment. In 2012, he jointly founded the real estate development company DIAS Projektentwicklung GmbH together with Dietmar Murawatz.

Eng. Dietmar Murawatz
Dietmar Murawatz worked for a renowned Austrian construction company as Construction Manager for 9 years. After a one-year stay in South America he took over the Civil Engineering Department of a large construction company. After completing the Master Builder Certificate in 1992 he became self-employed with a planning office for building construction. In the following years he and his company cubus Planung und Errichtung GmbH completed numerous residential buildings in Vienna and Lower Austria as planner and building contractor. Since 2006, he has also been a sworn and court-certified expert in the fields of construction, real estate and building physics. In 2012, he jointly founded the real estate development company DIAS Projektentwicklung GmbH together with Aslan Kurtaran.